Friday, 10 July 2015

A trip down under-Day 1


I am writing this from the 12 hour plane journey to Singapore at the moment and wow its long!

For my holiday to Australia this year I have decided to record my time by writing posts on this blog. Not only will it be a good way to let my friends know what I'm up to but so I can savour these memories!

After an extremely boring and frustrating taxi ride (it took an hour more than it should have due to traffic) we finally arrived at the aiport. The check in and security was surprisingly very quick and before I knew it we were in starbucks for my first hot chocolate of the holiday. (you'll come to realise I'm addicted to it) After my parents making friends with someone who claimed to be a bollywood actor filming in the UK, it was time to go to the gate. Annoyingly, we had to get a bus to the plane but I suppose its all apart of the adventure ).(an extremely boring one at so far)

So far on the plane I've watched the new Cinderella and half an hour of Simon's Cat videos. I found Cinderella kinda boring as I know the story and have seen many different film adaptations. Simon's Cat however was very funny as usual, I mean who doesn't like watching a cat wrip a room to shreds while the owner sleeps!

Well I think I've rambled on enough about my journey so far so I'll leave you with a picture of my cat sleeping in my suitcase this morning (he obviously wanted to come with us!) and a few view pictures from ly flight!


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