Friday, 12 December 2014

Types of people in exams

Hello my pumpkins!

So all throughout this week I have been doing none stop mock exams and at last they are over! (well until January) During these exams whilst being bored because I usually finish my exams early and end up sitting there doing nothing for ages, I have noticed that there are many types of people in exams. So I thought I might share them with you and you might just be able to relate with me!

1) Attention seeker- This is the one person that just loves to take all the attention and constantly feel the need to ask the teachers questions. I have no idea how they manage to put their hand up so much during one exam as the teachers cant tell you the answers or any clues, but they do. And of course, I had one of these conveniently (not) sitting right in front of me in pretty much ALL my exams. Not only is this distracting but very very annoying!

2) The sleeper- This person decides that in life they don't need to do well in school and so therefore in just about every exam they have, they decide to sleep throughout the whole thing. I'm not quite sure how they get away with it, but I suppose that it's their choice if they want to fail or not. I just wish them good luck in the future when it comes to the real world!

3) The 'I'm gonna do anything I can do make noise and distract everyone else' person- This is the only person in the exam who decides it would be fun to make a game up and see how many people they cannot annoy during the exam instead of actually completing the paper. Yes they will tap on the table, move their table and chair across the floor every 10 minutes, make noises with their tongue, any way there is possible to make a noise, they've probably tried it!

4) The 'never on time' one- This person is literally never on time for an exam! In fact, they're usually the one that everyone has to wait for to turn up! They're usual reason will be pretty silly like they 'forgot' they had an exam or they got 'help up' in the corridor by the year 7's. To me, that's no excuse, you should always aim to get somewhere earlier than you need to. It's better to be early than late!

5) The cheater- Inevitably, every exam has one, the person who comes to an exam completely unprepared so decides to copy off of others. Obviously, they don't do this the stereotypical ways like using binoculars for example, but they'll be the experts on knowing how to cheat without getting caught. Well, most of the times!

6) And last but not least of course, there's the majority of people, the 'I will full all the rules and do my best to get the best possible grade' ones. These people may be boring, but at least they aren't risking getting disqualified for an exam, and will have the best possible chance at having a decent future!

And that's it for my list of type of people in exams! I hope you enjoyed reading this and if you would like me to write a post like this again on a different topic just tell me and comment down below!

I hope that everyone who has or is going to have exams does well and gets the grades that they want!

Adios! x

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