Hello my pumpkins!
Below are some of my most favorite pictures I have taken....on my phone! This just proves to you all that you don't need a fancy and expensive camera to produce amazing outcomes! The pictures were taken at several different times so I'll give description of them all as we go along. Enjoy!
I took this last Monday when I took a trip up to London with my friends! This is of the fountain in Trafalgar square, in the corner you can see the blue cockerel and in the distance, the national art gallery! |
I also took this on Monday, its pretty self explanatory. Yes that is the river Thames and yes in the distance is Big Ben and the Houses of parliament! |
This is by far my favourite and is a picture of a view of the lake in St James park. In the distance it looks like there are some castles however I'm not quite sure what they are! |
This is picture of the pool at the resort we stayed in in Thailand! The best thing about that resort was that it was so empty and most of the time it felt like we had the whole pool to ourselves! |
Okay how adorable is the goat kid?! I took this on my work experience at a farm. There were so many goats born whilst on work experience and it was amazing getting to see them being born and looking after them for 2 weeks! |
I took this last summer when I went to a fun fair with my friends. This picture brings back the funny memory of when I forced by friend who hated Ferris wheels to go on this one. She literally wouldn't stop panicking because there was no seat belt and she thought she was gonna fall out. I just laughed...oops. |
This last picture is the view from my apartment in Spain that I went to back in August. In the distance you can see the sea and the sky was blue and it was just so perfect to this view everyday!
I hope you enjoyed having a look at all of these pictures from my favorite places in the world! What's you favorite place? It could be a holiday you went on, somewhere in your local area or even somewhere a lot closer to home like your bedroom! Let me know in the comments below!
Adios! xx
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